Pistachio Calcite is a newer form of calcite from Pakistan, it is a relatively rare variety of Green Calcite. It resonates with the heart Chakra and is a stone of kindness, empathy and compassion.These healing vibrations can help people who suffer from emotional wounds and heal their broken hearts. So, in a way, it also symbolises renewal and growth. It is said to be highly effective in reducing stress and emotional tension. It can bring about a sense of calm and relaxation.It can even remove emotional wounds that you may be carrying from your childhood.
Physical Healing:- Pistachio Calcite enhances the overall vitality of the body. Help s you to feel more energetic and motivated.It increases to body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the food you eat, helping the body to remain in good physical shape. It also strengthens the immune system, helping you to fight off disease. Pistachio Calcite can heal ailments related to the heart and the circulation. It is said to strengthen heart muscles, remove blockages from blood vessels and ensure a proper rhythm of your heartbeat. It is also associated with pain relief and detoxification