Garden Quartz, also known as Lodalite, is a captivating crystal renowned for its inclusion of various minerals, creating enchanting landscapes within its clear quartz matrix. Lodolite is believed to facilitate spiritual growth, meditation, and connection with higher realms. Its unique inclusions are thought to act as powerful energetic amplifiers, enhancing intuition and promoting a deep sense of inner peace. Whether used in meditation, as a divination tool, or as an adornment, Lodolite is cherished for its mesmerising beauty and its potential to elevate spiritual consciousness.
The healing energies of phantom quartz may give you clearness, strength and inspiration. Furthermore, this will also point the direction towards the spiritual devotion and personal growth you need. It’ll also provide you insight and support. Garden Quartz is a fantastic included quartz crystal that radiates the energies of creativity and happiness. This crystal facilitates deep emotional healing, encourages you to pursue your dreams, and rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul.