Jade Bracelet – Jade is believed to bring luck. It is thought to have a protective, lucky charm energy. Jade also has calming and soothing properties. It eliminates fear, comforts and calls for benevolence. Then, it helps the heart to find compassion to make the right decisions, balance emotions and give modest and clear ideas.
In addition, Jade crystal has the ability to transform negative energies into positive ones that promote love and joy. Calming and harmonious, jade can help you heal from emotional and physical illness and injuries. Jade supports the fourth Chakra, the heart Chakra. This is the energy centre that represents compassion, empathy forgiveness and love. Wear or hold a piece of jade near your heart to help unblock and balance the Chakra. Jade is a symbol of purity, serenity, and nurturing, often associated with the heart Chakra for its ability to attract love and dispel negativity.
Jade is hugely intuitive when it comes to dealing with mental and emotional well being. This stone nudges out negative thought patterns, gifts you the courage and wisdom to welcome your own advice and is all about upping self-sufficiency, so you feel allowed and proud to stand on your own two feet. Self-sufficiency is hugely important when it comes to raising self-esteem, moving through the world with a wonderful sense of confidence, and keeping your soul nourished. Jade is intrinsically linked to ideas of purity, and this doesn’t mean living without a shadow side, but being clear of mind and calm of heart to embrace every angle of yourself. Jade wants to soak you in self-love and ease you into familiar patterns of acceptance that are sure to stay.
Strong in spiritual vibes, Jade is hugely connected to the heart Chakra. For those ready to flush out negative energy and get into harmony with the wider world, you will adore those soft shimmering moods that Jade brings with it. The heart Chakra is where our trust, love, and compassion sits. The heart goes beyond romantic love, connecting us to how we deal with the world and all those that reside in it. The heart Chakra helps us to map out beautiful friendships, curate loving family ties, and even to connect with our own sense of self-love.
Jade may be an emotional and spiritual player, but it also knows how to help the body to heal too. Jade is a powerful and hugely potent cleansing stone meaning it can go straight to work helping organs to heal from toxins. It is known to help the kidneys, the bladder, the spleen, and to balance out fluid systems in the body. Along with all of that, Jade is also popular for helping people to fight infections, its cooling touch helps to bring down fevers, and it is commonly used to encourage the body to effectively heal itself. For those who are facing sexual problems, Jade can also be something of a libido stirrer.
8mm jade bead bracelet with adjustable cord. Fits any size wrist.