Weight: 735g
Height :11cm
Width: 8cm
Intricately hand carved yooperlite and dragon skull. Yooperlite is a name for stones that consist of a syenite-rich flourescent sodalite. This mineral flouresces an orange or yellow colour under uv light. Yooperlite is a stone of truth and allows us to recognise and express objectively our feelings. This stone is said to release anger, negative thoughts and helps fight your fears and phobias, It creates a clear and perceptive mind enabling us to find inner peace. Yooperlite stimulates self-acceptance and self confidence.
On a physical level Yooperlite is known to relieve the symptoms of menopause, reduce infalmmation, fever, headaches, sinus infections and muscle tension. It can also be useful in the treatment of the throat, voacl cords and larynx, in particular to releive hoarseness and laryngitis.